17th July 18
Continuing on from last week, Paul McBride comments on the preparation and competition phases of an athletes training cycle.
The preparation period
1st phase: – General preparation based around physical work. The quantity of training is decisive for this preparation, i.e. the frequency of training sessions and the duration and volume of training. The training done in this phase is relatively basic. (FIFA, 2007)
2nd phase: – This is the pre-competition phase, the phase of specific physical development with the inclusion of technical/tactical and mental aspects. The quantity of training is reduced; the quality therefore comes from the intensity of the work. (FIFA, 2007)
There are nevertheless many who feel that quality is often synonymous with quantity and intensity. This period, which is subdivided into 3 or 4 cycles lasting 1 to 3 weeks each, is known as the preparation mesocycle.
The competition periods
Given the heavy burden placed on players in terms of the number of matches played (many players are involved in at least two matches per week), it is necessary to track and plan recovery and regeneration cycles into the mesocycle, especially when working with young players. When players are being developed, learning mesocycles are always programmed into the schedule.
Part 3 continues next week. In the meantime, why not book in to see Paul and see if he can help make sure you perform when it really counts this coming season!