7th June 23

Everything you need to know about Facet Joints and Facet Joint Syndrome

A common cause of back pain and neck pain is a condition called facet joint syndrome. Facet joints are located on either side of the vertebrae and help guide movement.

When these joints become injured, inflamed, or degenerated due to age, it can lead to facet joint pain. Facet joint syndrome often causes sharp lower back pain and can radiate into the buttocks, hips, legs or feet.

What is facet joint pain?

Facet joint pain, also known as facet syndrome or facet arthritis, is a type of back pain that affects the joints located between the vertebrae of the spine.

Facet joint syndrome can be caused by injury, facet joint degeneration, or excessive stress on the joints from activities such as heavy lifting.

Symptoms may include localized tenderness, restricted range of motion, muscle spasms, and radiating pain in the back or neck.

Treatments typically include rest, physical therapy exercises to strengthen the muscles that support the spine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroid injections to reduce inflammation, and sometimes surgery. With proper treatment, most people can find relief from facet joint syndrome.

Acute Facet Pain

Acute facet joint syndrome is a sudden, intense episode of back pain or neck pain that can last for several days or weeks. It is caused by injury to the facet’s synovial joints and is often accompanied by swelling, tenderness, and muscle spasms in the area.

Treatment typically includes rest and over-the-counter pain relief medications to reduce inflammation in the synovial joints and pain. In some cases, steroid injections may be necessary to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Chronic Facet Pain

Chronic facet pain is a persistent form of back pain or neck pain that can last for months or years. It is usually caused by facet joint degeneration in the spine such as facet joint osteoarthritis, bone spurs or other conditions that damage the joints. Chronic pain can be particularly debilitating and is a leading cause of long term spine pain.

Treatment typically includes physical therapy exercises to strengthen the muscles that support the spine, anti-inflammatory medications, and steroid injections for pain relief and to reduce inflammation. Surgery may be necessary in more severe cases.

The Anatomy of the Facet Joint

The facet joint is one of the major joints in your spine that helps connect and stabilize each vertebrae. Each joint consists of two bony surfaces lined with cartilage and a fluid-filled joint capsule, which acts as a cushion between them.

The facets are designed to move when you twist or bend, but can get stuck if the muscles and ligaments become too tight or if the cartilage becomes damaged.

This can cause pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion in the spine. In addition, inflammation around the facet joint can lead to further pain and discomfort.

Can facet joint pain cause degenerative disc disease?

Facet joint syndrome can be a contributing factor to degenerative disc disease. The facet joints, along with the discs between each vertebrae, provide stability and cushioning in the spine.

When the facet joints become worn down due to age or injury, they may not be able to provide enough support for the discs. This can lead to the discs thinning out and becoming weakened.

This is commonly known as facet joint osteoarthritis and is a key component of degenerative disc disease.

While facet joint syndrome can contribute to degenerative disc disease, it’s important to note that this isn’t always the case.

Many people experience back pain related to degenerative disc disease without any evidence of problems with their facet joints.

It’s important to speak with your doctor about your specific symptoms and get an accurate diagnosis.

Can facet joint syndrome cause back pain?

Yes, facet joint syndrome can cause back pain. When the facet joints become damaged or overused, they may not be able to provide normal support for the spine, leading to inflammation and localized tenderness.

This can result in radiating pain in the back or neck that can range from a dull ache to sharp stabbing pains. In addition, the resulting inflammation can cause muscle spasms, which can exacerbate back pain.

If you’re experiencing persistent back pain, it’s important to speak with your doctor about possible causes and pain relief treatments.

While facet joint syndrome is one potential cause of back pain, there are many other possible sources that should be considered before starting any treatment plan.

How do you confirm facet joint syndrome?

Facet joint syndrome can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are often similar to other spine conditions. To confirm a diagnosis, your doctor may order imaging tests such as X-rays or an MRI to look for evidence of damage to the facets.

Your doctor may also perform physical exams and ask questions about your medical history and symptoms in order to identify the source of your pain.

In some cases, your doctor may also recommend nerve block injections or other procedures to confirm and treat any facet joint syndrome.

Once a diagnosis is made, your doctor can work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that may include pain relief medications, physical therapy exercises, lifestyle modifications, and more.

How do you treat facet joint pain?

Treatment for facet joint pain is generally aimed at reducing inflammation and relieving the pain. Treatment options may include rest, physical therapy exercises to strengthen the muscles that support the spine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroid injections to reduce inflammation, and sometimes surgery.

Physical therapists can help target specific areas affected by facet joint pain to relieve symptoms and improve function. In some cases, lifestyle changes such as weight loss, posture correction, stress relief techniques, and avoiding activities that cause or aggravate the pain can also help with pain relief.

Heat and cold therapy may also be used to manage symptoms. If conservative treatments are not effective, surgery may be considered to realign or fuse the affected joints.

It is important to consult with a doctor or physical therapist to determine the best course of treatment for facet joint pain and other musculoskeletal conditions. With proper treatment, most people can find relief from facet joint pain.

What can physiotherapy do to treat Facet Joint Syndrome?

Physiotherapy can help reduce and manage the symptoms of facet joint pain. Depending on your individual needs, your physiotherapist may recommend specific exercises to strengthen the muscles that support the spine, stretches to improve mobility, and postural correction techniques to reduce strain on the joints. Your physiotherapist may also use manual therapy techniques such as massage and joint mobilizations to reduce pain and stiffness. They may also incorporate ice or heat therapy, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, taping, or other modalities as needed. Finally, your physiotherapist can provide education on lifestyle modifications that can help manage symptoms long-term.

What is a facet joint injection?

A facet joint injection is an outpatient procedure used to treat facet joint syndrome. During the procedure, a steroid medication and anaesthetic are injected into the joint space of the affected lumbar spine or other spinal vertebrae. The steroid helps reduce inflammation and swelling inthe lumbar facet joints, while the anaesthetic relieves pain temporarily. Facet joint injections typically provide temporary relief, but may need to be repeated over time to maintain relief from pain. In some cases, facet joint injections can help doctors pinpoint which joints are causing the patient’s pain, allowing for further treatments such as physical therapy or surgery.

Are there any risks associated with facet joint injections?

While facet joint injections are generally safe and effective, as with any medical procedure, there are some potential risks associated with the injection. These can include infection at the injection site, bleeding or nerve damage near the injection site, and an adverse reaction to the medications. Additionally, facet joint injections do not always provide long-term relief from pain; some patients may need to have several injections over time in order to receive ongoing relief.

Can you prevent facet joint syndrome?

Facet joint syndrome is often caused by wear and tear on the spinal joints, icommonly lumbar facet joints, which can be accelerated by certain lifestyle factors such as obesity, smoking, or poor posture. While it may not be possible to completely prevent facet joint syndrome, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk.

Maintaining good posture, exercising regularly, and avoiding activities that put extra strain on the joints can help. If you’re already experiencing lumbar spine or neck pain related to facet joint syndrome, speaking with your doctor and physical therapist about ways to prevent further flare-ups can also help.

In summary, facet joint syndrome can be a debilitating condition. If you’re experiencing symptoms of facet joint syndrome, it’s important to speak with your doctor or physical therapist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan that is tailored specifically to your needs. With the right treatment plan, most people can find relief from facet joint syndrome and maintain an active lifestyle.