Experience Blood Flow Restriction Training at Carter & George

Welcome to the cutting edge of fitness and rehabilitation – Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFR). Used by professional athletes and recommended by physiotherapists and strength and conditioning coaches, BFR is an innovative method that can accelerate strength gains, enhance muscle mass growth, and speed up recovery.

At Carter & George, we’re proud to offer this advanced training technique, guided by our team of certified professionals.

What is Blood Flow Restriction Exercise?

BFR involves partially restricting the blood flow to certain muscle groups while performing low-intensity exercises.

This unique approach allows you to achieve the benefits of high-intensity workouts (both aerobic exercise and resistance exercise), such as increased muscle strength and size, without the associated risks or strain on your joints and ligaments.

Benefits of Blood Flow Restriction

  • Accelerated Strength Gains: BFR stimulates muscle growth, skeletal muscle hypertrophy and strength increase even with light weights, making it a powerful tool for strength training.
  • Enhanced Recovery: By promoting the flow of nutrient-rich blood to your muscles, BFR can speed up recovery times and reduce muscle soreness after workouts.
  • Injury Rehabilitation: BFR is a game-changer in physiotherapy, allowing patients to rehabilitate injuries and regain strength without placing undue stress on their healing tissues. It is commonly used in ACL rehabilitation, where restricted leg blood flow encourages muscle hypertrophy to the lower limb muscles.

What Does Blood Flow Restricted Exercise Feel Like?

BFR feels like a tight band around your upper arms or thighs, which is applied right before you begin exercising.

It should not cause any discomfort or pain and may even feel like a soothing massage as it increases blood flow to the muscles.

Light exercise suddenly feels a lot more difficult, rapidly fatiguing the muscle and bringing on delayed onset muscle soreness. It is essentially a faster and safer way to build muscle strength.

What Does a Session of Blood Flow Restriction Training Look Like?

At Carter & George, your coach or practitioner will begin by discussing your medical history and goals with you. Depending on your needs, they may perform a physical assessment, including taking your blood pressure, to evaluate your current health, strength and mobility levels.

Then, they’ll use specialized equipment to safely and effectively apply the restrictive bands around the appropriate muscle groups.

You’ll then be guided through a series of resistance training exercises designed to work the targeted muscles.

Finally, your practitioner will remove the bands and assess your progress before concluding the session.

Blood Flow Restriction Training in Professional Sports

From rugby players to track athletes, professionals across various sports disciplines are turning to BFR for its exceptional benefits. Sports Medicine departments are using to get quick gains in their athletes.

It’s particularly useful for maintaining strength during off-seasons or injury recovery periods, helping athletes return to their peak performance faster.

Blood Flow Restriction Training at Carter & George

At Carter & George, our expert team is well-equipped to guide you through safe and effective BFR resistance training sessions. Our trainers have extensive experience in applying BFR techniques across a wide range of scenarios, from rehabilitation to elite sports training.

We use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure precise control over the restriction pressure, providing a customized experience tailored to your specific needs.

Whether you’re recovering from an injury, looking to boost your athletic performance, or seeking a new approach to strength training, BFR at Carter & George can help you achieve your goals.

Start Your Blood Flow Restriction Training Journey Today

Ready to experience the transformative power of Blood Flow Restriction Training?

Click to book in online or call us directly on our dedicated line.

Embark on your BFR journey with Carter & George today!